Some of our most frequently asked questions ...

How long will I have the rental for?
All day! We drop off between 7am and noon, and pick up the next morning!

If you prefer same day pick-up, please let us know and we will accomodate.
Is a deposit required?
Yes, we require a $50 deposit to reserve your date & rentals. The deposit goes towards your final cost.

If the deposit is not paid, the booking date & rentals are not guaranteed.

If you need to cancel, the deposit is refundable.

Final payment is due when we arrive to set up. We do not accept payment when we pick up.
What payment methods do you take?
We take Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, Debit/Credit Card and Cash. For debit/credit purchases, we have a 3% processing fee.
What happens if it rains or we need to cancel?
It’s not a problem! We reach out the day before to confirm everything. If you need to cancel due to rain or otherwise, the $50 deposit will be refunded, or we can reschedule. Whatever works best for you!
What happens if the weather is cold?
To protect the bounce houses, we won’t do setups until it reaches over 45 degrees. That way, the bounce houses will stay in tip-top shape.
What is the delivery fee for bounce houses?
For bounce houses - We offer free delivery if you’re within 7 miles of our location. We are located near the Joliet Mall, off Von Esch Rd.

Delivery Fees over 7 miles are:

8-10 miles - $20
11-15 miles - $40
16-20 miles - $60
20 miles and up is $75+ for delivery.
What is the delivery fee for tables, chairs and tents?
We do offer free tent, table and chair pick-up. We're located off of Von Esch Rd., by the Joliet Mall.

Delivery: For tables, chairs and tents, the following delivery rates apply:

0-15 miles - $40
16-20 miles - $60
20 miles and up is $75+ delivery.
If your order includes a bounce house, we use our bounce house delivery fees. Please see above.
Can I pick up the bounce house myself?
Bounce houses cannot be picked up by customers, due to liability issues. Our bounce houses are also heavy and range from 250 - 600+ pounds.
Do we set up and take down bounce houses, tables, chairs or tents?
We set up and take down the bounce houses and tents.

We do not set up the tables and chairs, but we do drop them off to where you plan on setting up.
Can you set up the tent on my driveway?
Yes, we can set up on driveways, parking lots, the patio and grass. Just let us know where you want it set up, so the delivery team can come fully prepared.
Can a bounce house fit indoors?
Our bounce houses are pretty tall, the only ones that will fit indoors are the smaller ones. Even then, we need at least 18-20 feet of height.
Are you safety certified, licensed or insured?
Yes to all 3!
Do you clean the bounce houses after every use?
Definitely. When we pick-up, we'll do a quick clean on site. After getting back to our location, we sanitize them and do a deep cleaning.
Can we pick up the rental equipment?
You are more than welcome to pick up the tables and chairs from our location!

We do have to deliver the bounce houses and tents as we do the set ups and take downs.

Please see the Important Reminders section below for more pick-up information

Important Reminders



Please make sure there is an outlet nearby. We have a variety of extension cords, reaching up to 100 ft.

In some instances, like a Park District or a public setting, it is your responsibility to make sure an outlet is available, as we are not familiar with all park districts and their outlet situations.

In the case that there is no outlet nearby, we do rent out generators for an additional fee.


Please let us know if any obstacles will be in the way, such as stairs, pitched inclines or tight clearances to get all of the equipment through.

This lets us prepare as best as we can, in order to be as efficient as possible.

Tent Rentals

Because we use long stakes for tents, we recommend you call JULIE first. We can also accommodate by replacing the long stakes with shorter stakes and sandbags around the tent.

Pick - Ups

We offer free pick up for our tables, chairs and tents.

Pick-Up and Drop-Off times are between 7 am and noon.

Rentals are due back the next day, also between 7 am and noon. If the rental is dropped off after that time, the daily rate will be charged again.

Please contact us for special circumstances and we will do our best to accommodate you.